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Booking groups: Handle multiple bookings in one request

When you want to handle multiple bookings in one go, you can utilize booking groups. A booking group acts as a container for multiple bookings, allowing you to create, update, or delete multiple bookings in one single API request, instead of handling each booking individually through separate API requests.

Getting started with Hapio

Booking made easy: the ultimate guide to mastering Hapio from start to finish!

To kickstart your journey with Hapio, we’ve created a comprehensive guide that walks you through every step of creating your initial booking.


New features for 2024

We are happy to announce that we have completed the development of three significant features for 2024. We hope that these enhancements can support your work further.


Securing your webhooks – Signed notification

Each webhook notification request is now signed by Hapio. Which allow you to easily and effectively verify that the request originated from Hapio.


Hapio Releases SDK for PHP – Simplifying integration with the Booking and Scheduling API

During the last few weeks we have worked on an SDK for PHP, to make it easier for PHP developers to get started with Hapio. We are now happy to announce its release to the public.


Testing and implementing new functionality

During the Spring and Summer, we have worked further with Hapio, testing and implementing new functionality.


A top-notch booking API

Our ambition is to deliver a top-notch booking API where we can focus all our efforts on creating the core functionality of a booking process. Then, we let you decide if you need to connect to any external solutions.


New updates available for filtering information

Hapio has now been updated with even better support for filtering the information that you fetch through the API.


Use case: Booking of storage lockers

The aim of this article is to describe the process of setting up a basic booking system for storage lockers using Hapio.