Hapio is API First

With Hapio´s powerful API, you can extend your software with advanced back-end logic and integrate it seamlessly into other services.

With Hapio, your imagination is the only limit

With our API platform, you can extend your creativity to new heights. With Hapio you get:

  • A well documented REST-API
  • Webhooks for all use cases
  • Flexible permissions for your API-tokens
  • Developer portal with API logs and more

Integrate quickly

Set your imagination free by quickly integrating our simple API that is battle-tested for scale and built for high availability. Hapio lets you spend your development time on product improvements and ship them without worrying about maintenance later on.

Hapio scales without you worrying

With a serverless architecture, Hapio is built for scale and global platforms. We offer pricing tailored to large organizations with tons of users, and complex needs that need a superior solution – Hapio!

Customize Hapio

Hapio’s platform offers customizability with an open API for building your business’ digital experience. Gone are the days of vendor lock-in and limited functionality!

Hapio is always improving

Hapio’s always-improving toolchain is a great way to bring the latest technologies into your project. The engineering team behind Hapio has been delivering great digital products for years, so you can be sure that they’ll have what it takes when creating an awesome experience or solving some complex challenges!

Future-proof, efficient and flexible with API-based Headless.

Achieving all the connections needed to develop an existing system can be both complicated and resource-intensive. It´s better than to start building new on a flexible and future-proof foundation, which does not paint you into a corner.

GET v2/time-slots
curl https://hapio.se/api/v2/time-slots?
from=2021-02-19&to=2021-02-20 \ 
   -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \ 
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


If you have other questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

A simple API request.

In the developer portal, you can create one or more projects and gain access to them by creating API tokens. Each project is completely isolated from other projects, so there’s no sharing of information between them. For each project, you can create one or more locations through the API. Every booking that is created in Hapio belongs to a specific project and is associated with a specific location.

Yes, you can integrate and customize endlessly with our API.