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Hapio – the flexible booking system

Easily build customizable booking and scheduling applications with a modern tech stack of your choice.

Get started for free today

Multiple locations

Provide your services at multiple locations using one single project, allowing resources and services to be shared between locations if needed.

Buffer time

Allocate time automatically before or after each booking, for example to make sure there is time to prepare for the next client.

Different types of services

Services can be either fixed in length, flexible so that your client selects the length, or booked on a day to day basis.

Booking window

Control how near or far into the future your services are allowed to be booked.

Bookable times

Bookable times are generated automatically by Hapio, based on the properties of your services, and your resources’ schedules.

Flexible Schedules

Choose between recurring schedules that repeat every week, or individual schedule blocks for more irregular schedules. Both can also be used in combination with each other.

Random selection

The simplest automatic resource allocation, where an available resource will be randomly selected.


Set up a priority list for your resources, and Hapio will select the first resource that is available.


Equally distribute your bookings among your resources, based on their booked time.


React to events within Hapio by setting up webhooks for the events that you are interested in.

Automatic resource allocation

Allow your clients to book without manually selecting a resource. Three different strategies for automatic allocation are available, allowing you to choose between randomized, prioritized or equalized allocation.


Customize the permissions for each of your API tokens, to make sure they have exactly the permissions they need.

Future-proof, efficient and flexible with API-based Headless.

Achieving all the connections needed to develop an existing system can be both complicated and resource-intensive. It´s better than to start building new on a flexible and future-proof foundation, which does not paint you into a corner.

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GET v2/time-slots

    curl https://hapio.se/api/v2/time-slots?
    from=2021-02-19&to=2021-02-20 \     
        -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \     
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Get started for free today

Getting started with Hapio for free is quick and easy! There’s no limited trial period, so you can comfortably try out Hapio at your own pace, and keep using free projects for your local development even if you’ve upgraded to any of our paid plans for your production projects.

Start building for free