Frequently asked questions regarding our booking and scheduling API – Hapio

Yes, you can integrate and customize endlessly with our API.

Yes, you can integrate and customize endlessly with our API. 

No. Hapio is not developed for any specific industry and can be used in all types of industries where there is a need for a booking process, scheduling and resource management.

Yes! Even better than a free trial. We offer a free plan. Read more.

Team members refer to the number of accounts with access to the same project in Hapios Developer Portal. This is most commonly developers that need to be able to access a project to create new API tokens or webhooks and monitor API usage. Only the project owner will be able to change or cancel the subscription plan, update the payment method or invite other team members to the project.

 A resource in Hapio is anything that can be booked. This means anything from real people to bookable entities. Your staff are resources, your conference room, your car, your apartment etc.

We do not offer an on-premise solution. Hapio is only an SaaS offering. On-premise is a complete change of focus – to do both is unsustainable for us at the moment.

We gratefully accept all tips and questions you may have.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need help onboarding.