A top-notch booking API


Nevertheless, our ambition is to deliver a top-notch booking API where we can focus all our efforts on creating the core functionality of a booking process. Then, we let you decide if you need to connect to any external solutions. By keeping Hapio’s API focused on handling bookings with all that it entails, we hope to maintain flexibility so that Hapio can fit into a variety of industries or business areas.

We will continue to keep the API clean

We notice that reactions vary greatly; some agree with us, thinking it’s good that we stick to the booking process itself, and don’t build out with a lot of surrounding functionality that they might not have a use for. Meanwhile, others would like to see us take a step further, maybe even creating a back office with a clearer industry focus. But for now, we will continue to keep the API clean, and you can customize the customer interface and back office with specific functions required for your project. However, don’t forget that we more than welcome tips and ideas! You can rest assured that we deliver and handle the booking process for you.

Right now, we are working on a lot of exciting new functionality, and more updates will follow.

